
Thursday, 15 May 2014

#8 of 30-Day Art Challenge

So how am I doing?
Thought I'd pause here, on day 8, and reflect a little on what this week has brought.
One. Whole. Week. That is how long I've kept this challenge up... which is quite remarkable, since I have 2 small kids, and all the stuff that comes with house, hubby, school run. But it's been a real discovery to see that, with one small commitment made on a whim, I CAN produce something each day, and I can make it a priority.. which I hope leads to me taking it more seriously. And if I take it seriously, maybe others will!
So today I was meant to do 'something in water', but I really didn't fancy that. So I went a bit left-field and tackled mini-beasts instead. Random, I know, but all the lovely creepy crawlies that have come out in the rain and sun of late are just fascinating to my kids me. And I have an idea swimming around inside my head to do with mini-beasts, so I had to practice them:

(Pencil, watercolour and a little bit of ink for detail)
I think wormy is my favourite... snail is good too.
So if you have an idea buzzing in your head, get it down... practice it... break the rules...
and have fun.

Last night I also worked on another idea, so here's a lovely little hen,
just to cheer us all up.
I think I'll call her Doris.


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