
Friday, 9 January 2015

Cheesy smiles...

I finally saw my piece hanging in the exhibition! Yey!
As part of being accepted to the Winter Exhibition at The Beaney I was offered the opportunity to sell my cards and prints in the gallery - so I chose the wettest Thursday to zoom dangerously down the A2, carrying bags and a table in the rain to set up for 3 hours (limited by the school run).
Here's my CHEESY thumbs-up grin (and what is my hair doing?) with my piece.
I'm sure it's shrunk. It looks so tiny in the huge space, with huge pieces hung round it.
I counted about 30 people who wandered in while I was there - not bad for a wet Thursday. I had some lovely conversations, was very encouraged even though it came close to being a traumatic wash-out, and I even sold a small number of cards.
(If you missed my blog posts from Tumblr about the run up to this exhibition and the Bespoke Fair just click on the November 2014 tab on the right - I have transferred it all back here.)
In all the rush of getting there, I forgot my sketch book or any kind of book to pass the time! Luckily I had nice pens with me, grabbed some flyers from reception and doodled happily on the back of those, plotting my next piece.

And in a similar vein... to answer the question posed in my last post, Watercolour vs Acrylic... I still haven't made up my mind, BUT I did paint this with Acrylics two nights ago. It's bigger than it looks here, about 50x40cm canvas. Still not convinced. It's heavy and I didn't use a big enough brush. Hmmm...

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